News and updates
on this page you will find all of the newest bepnanian news
Sooner than we thought!
The official Bepnanian currency 'The bepon' has officially been designed and printed much sooner than what we thought our sites were set on getting it out before the end of May 2025 but here it is soon there will be 50s tens and even ones.

Here's a look at the bepnanian ID you will get once you become a citizen. To apply to become a citizen, look on the homepage of our website and follow the instructions. Please note you should not share your identification number with anyone.

the official bepnanian currency the bepon *Ƀ* is a physical currency that has been designed and is in the works of being printed and will be completed by the end of may 2025

On 09-03-2025 the bepnanian and the Republic of Zaria's governments agreed an alience.
It was established that the two governments would combine into one with the bepnanian government taking the leading role in all areas to ensure a strong leadership while the Republic of zarias government would still be intact.this agreement also states that the two nations have combined economies & land.
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